Thursday, 19 January 2012

Damn you, Air Canada luggage regulations

This trip is beginning to look like any other... too many clothes, not enough luggage space.

Despite the familiar arm cramps and my father's insistence that I am packing way too much, I know that I am about to embark on an entirely new adventure. No, I am no longer flying back and forth from ATL and training to London, Ontario on a weekly basis. I'm off to Rome for four months to study abroad, and in true Sosa style, I plan on eating (and drinking) my way through Europe.

Welcome to my blog, or as I think of it, a space where I can express myself in more than 140 characters (@sammysoks may be silenced for a while, but don't count on it). I hope to make you as jealous as possible by giving you all the details about my European escapades. If your envy becomes too overwhelming, just remember that at least you won't be 30 pounds heavier come May.

Thankfully I have until Sunday night to figure out how to fit all of this into two pieces of luggage (Air tight bags? A secret UPS shipment? Drug the Air Canada agent at the check-in desk?) Until then I'll be dreaming of pasta, pizza, and Italian men... or more likely tossing and turning from a weird mixture of anxiety and excitement.

Ciao Bella!

Sammy Soks

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